Degrees and Certificates
Select the Fields of Interest tab to explore degrees and certificates that share similar areas of study, the Programs by Name tab to view all degrees and certificates for a given program, or the Degrees and Certificates A-Z tab to view a sorted list.
Fields of interest
Fields of Interest organize degrees and certificates that share similar areas of study, allowing you to identify your skills and interests to find a career path that’s best for you. Watch Maricopa Community Colleges' Fields of Interest overview

Behavioral Science and Human Services

Business, Entrepreneurialism and Management

Computer and Information Technology

Culture and Society


Health Sciences

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Visual and Performing Arts
Programs by name
A program is a disciplinary area of study that students can specialize in. Most of our programs lead to one or more degrees or certificates, while other programs are designed for personal and professional enrichment only and do not offer any degrees or certificates.